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7 Simple Steps to Create And Publish Your Own E Book

7 Simple Steps to Create And Publish Your Own E Book 

I will do my best to help you through this article how to successfully create your own e-book.
In order to do so, you need to follow these 7 Simple Steps on how to create and publish your own e-book. 

Step 1:

open your own HTML editor (such as Dreamweaver, FrontPage, etc.); in case you don't have one, just search for "Free Online Editor WYSIWYG" through any search engine. 

step 2:

start typing all messages and ideas you carry into your HTML editor, or rather copy and paste them from your text editor. Design your own page and make simple. After you finish typing, save the file into specific folder. When designing your page, take into consideration creating your file in single or multiple pages that link to each other like a website. In fact, if you’re beginner to website design, then it’s better to design it in single page. 

Step 3: 

Now, start compiling your file into e-book using any e-book compiler. Go to this website ebookcompilers, and download the e-book compiler. This is an e-book compiler directory as there are many free e-book compilers too. Download and install this e-book compiler into your computer. 

Step 4: 

After installing your e-book compiler, open it and navigate your file (HTML one created in step 2), and then follow the given instructions in your e-book compiler till finish. 

Step 5:  

Download and install WinZip. Open WinZip after installing, create a new Zip file, add your e-book file, and zip it. 

Step 6:

Upload or FTP your zip file (for instance, into your own web server. You can also sign up for totally free web hosting, go to search engine and just type, “Free website hosting” you’re going to find a lot. 

Step 7:  

Finally publish your e-book on the internet. You can also submit it to the e-book directory or even Freebie (in case your e-book is free). 
Go to any search engine and simply type, “Free e-book directory” or submit it to, or because this website really receives high traffic every week. Don't forget to allow your website visitors to download your e-book for free  

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created and published your e-book, but your e-book is viewed by only Windows users so, how can y our e-book be viewed by both Mac and windows users?  

It’s quite easy, just type your message or idea into word processor and make sure you save it in PDF format. Then, go to adobe create pdf , and simply follow all instructions on how to compile the text into PDF. After you already create your own PDF file, follow the previous steps 5,6,7.
